


St. Thomas More Faith Formation attempts to equip parents to pass the faith on to their children.  We meet monthly with families, having parent sessions and age appropriate sessions for their children.   Parent sessions run concurrent with the sessions with the children.   The Parents and children will be breaking open the same topic at their own level.  The parents are then lead faith discussions at home using the resources provided in a flexible schedule that they arrange.  With busy lives filled with commitments and parents who are constantly driving to and from events, this type of programming recognizes the need for faith to be integrated into our busy lives.  It is our hope that families will have many faith discussions in their homes as a result.  They will accompany each other on their journey of faith.  

This year, following the Special sessions of the Mass from last year, we will hold 4 special sessions on "Goiing Out!" that will be about celebrating special church seasons with your family and reaching out in service to others.

Our catechists will be on hand to help navigate the resources, answer questions and make suggestion for sharing faith.  They will communicate with parents regularly.

We also welcome Volunteers! If you would like to join us in any capacity for the upcoming new year of Fatih Formation please contact Robbie Anderson  by email or phone (941) 923-1691.