Contributions to the Regular Offertory are used to offset the costs associated with day-to-day operations of the parish and its programs. These costs include payroll, maintenance and cleaning of buildings, utilities, and supplies. Additionally, your contribution will benefit our sacramental preparation services, liturgical programs, and Religious Education programs.
Parish members are encouraged to set up an online account and manage their contributions. You will have complete control over your contribution amount and frequency of payments.
Thank you for your investment and continued support of our parish.
If you would prefer to contribute using envelopes, please contact Mary Maxwell or call the Parish Office at (941) 923-1691.
Finance Council
St.Thomas More has an active Finance Council that meets on a quarterly basis. This Council exists to assist the Pastor by providing advice in regard to financial matters of the parish. The council also assists with the development and management of the parish's financial resources so the parish may effectively pursue its mission of spreading Christ's Gospel and love. The Council strives for being the best stewards of the gifts so graciously given by our parishioners. Some of the duties/responsibilities include, but are not limited, to oversight & approval of the annual budget, review of monthly financial statements and assistance in preparing/presenting/communicating the financial status of the parish to our parishioners.
If you have any questions or would like to contact a member of the Finance Council, please call the Parish office at (941) 923-1691.